Felicity: An American Girl Adventure
I watched thi s film the other day ju st to see if there were any black people in the film. If they were pre sent in the film I wanted to con sider their treatment. Being that thi s film i s made specifically for 9 to 11 year old girl s, I did not expect much repre sentation or hi storical in sight. I feel in many way s that thi s film i s more hi storically accurate than many film s aimed toward s adult. Fir st and foremo st the film take s place in 1774 in William sburg, Virginia; around the time the American colonie s began talking of revolution. There were two black character s that were given name s: Ro s e and Marcu s. However, throughout the entire film black s could been seen going about their normal day to day lives. Marcus works at the family shop Rose cooking There i s never a mention to whether Ro se and Marcu s were free servant s or slave s (in t...