Watch Costume Designer Ruth E Carter Discuss Eddie Murphy as Rudy Ray Moore in Dolemite

 Eddie Murphy's Dolemite Is My Name is set in the 1970s and features very attention grabbing costumes. Ruth E Carter is the award winning costumer behind behind period productions such as Malcolm X, Amistad and Roots 2016. She is very open with her process as she works on projects.

Eddie Murphy, Mike Epps, Craig Robinson, Keegan-Michael Key, and Tituss Burgess in Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
Eddie Murphy in Dolemite Is My Name (2019)

I always enjoy following Ruth E Carter as she works on a period film. She is so generous to share the behind the scenes. As a period film enthusiast getting a behind the scenes look at costumes and the general making of the film, is always a treat. 


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